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Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Our pastoral care is sector leading and central to our supportive community of students and staff.

We are committed to all aspects of student wellbeing from ensuring their is quiet time and supporting positive mental health, to promoting healthy eating and physical activity and we offer students a wide range of pathways for them to participate in and support.

If any student has a problem, there is always someone they can speak to - from Houseparents, Prefects and other senior students to their personal Tutor, Chaplain, Teachers, PSHE teachers, medical centre staff and counselling team. 

Our Hub, developed jointly with our pastoral team and PSHE prefects, provides a drop-in base and offers alternative space for students needing a listening ear or some quiet time.   

Fidra, our Therapet, along with various and varying initiatives throughout the year offer ways or reducing stress and anxiety, particularly during the exam season.

“The life of a student can involve many periods of change that can be challenging.  We pride ourselves on supporting students through these transitions and in helping them to blossom. Having a dedicated space to act as a hub for our wellbeing lessons, activities, additional support services and our experienced medical team will allow us to fulfil the ambitions we have to be a world-leader in pastoral care.”Sue Bruce Wellbeing Lead for Fettes College

"The care and commitment shown to my children was outstanding. Because of this, they developed a real sense of self-worth."

Fettes Parent(Of an Old Fettesian)

Fettes College is dedicated to ensuring that all students and staff live together in a safe and supportive environment. We understand that for a student to thrive and get the most out of their academic and extra-curricular opportunities they must first be happy and feel they are safe, included, valued and that they belong, with the space to be themselves - this is what drives us forward.