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Entering the Sixth Form is an exciting time as students exercise increasing freedom and independence in their education.

With this in mind, we offer students entering the Sixth Form two different academic pathways: the International Baccalaureate (IB) and A Level courses. Alongside these rigorous academic curricula, we provide students with opportunities to extend themselves with further academic enrichment– such as the Extended Project (A Level) and the Extended Essay (IB).  

Sixth Form is a bridge between school and the world beyond: the challenges of higher education, apprenticeships, and the world of work. We have an outstanding team of higher education professionals who support all of our students with their future endeavours and deliver the greatest individualised care.  

Sixth Form students have a unique place within the student community. At first, Lower Sixth students become leading members of their boarding house and are endowed with numerous opportunities to develop their leadership potential. In the final year, students progress into our specialist Upper Sixth Form boarding house: Craigleith. In both years, students will foster lifelong relationships that will develop their sense of belonging and family.  

Specific Features

Message from Miss Victoria Chandler


Head of Sixth Form

"We want our students to leave exceptionally well qualified, with a strong sense of who they are, carrying values which enable them to be kind, curious and compassionate.

These qualities, as much as the excellent grades our students achieve, are what Fettes College is all about. We succeed in balancing these three elements: the academic success, the development of skills, and the nurturing of a set of values we aim to instil.

Entry to the Sixth Form at Fettes is highly
competitive and we recommend early discussion with the Admissions Team to register your interest."

The Sixth Form Journey

The quality of the grades that our students achieve at the end of the Upper Sixth Form together with the academic enrichment and our wide ranging co-curricular programme puts them in a strong position to confidently take their next steps.

Sixth Form