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This is a scheme run by Routes into Languages that helps pupils learn to lead using language teaching as a medium. Throughout the year-long programme our Fettesians have become positive role models for younger pupils, while improving their confidence and enhancing their own future careers. 

Congratulations to Caty S, Cressida T, Dilara M, Elina E, Enoch L, Erika T, Imi G, Lily L, Onari B, Orla L, Rory P, Rosie M, and Vas T on an amazing achievement.

The students’ favourite part of the programme was that it helped “develop leadership skills and it was really nice to interact with the younger years”. One of the more challenging aspects of the programme was the planning; the students had to plan each lesson before delivering it. They all felt their planning and organisations skills greatly improved, and felt much more confidence in their abilities upon completion.