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Old Fettesian Association

When Fettesians leave Fettes they become Old Fettesians (OFs), joining our highly supportive community located across the globe. 

The Old Fettesian Association (OFA) maintains regular contact with OFs and facilitates a global events and activities programme. We have a wide range of activity from drinks in Hong Kong, to touch rugby in London, New York cocktails, year group reunions, the London carol service, business networking, the European culture weekend or the OF Golfing Society, plus e-newsletters and the annual publication of the Old Fettesian Newsletter. 

This activity is supported by the Alumni Officer, Cameron Todd, the OFA committee and a group of regional representatives who volunteer their services and time and ensure that OFs everywhere feel welcome, wherever they may live or travel.

Old Fettesians are welcome to get in touch to update their details, arrange a visit to the school and find out more about upcoming events. Email

Old Fettesians also have access to the Fettes Community Portal providing them with the ability to connect with OFs old and new, either by searching the Directory, or accessing the interest groups.  The portal also provides access to the Fettes Career Partnership programme so that OFs can seek or provide career support. In addition, all events are listed and OFs can access the Digital Archive of House and sports photos along with digitised copies of the Fettesian Magazine and the Old Fettesian Newsletter.  To register or access the portal click here.

upcoming events

"I have been pleased to play my role in helping keep Fettesians connected and to meet many of you from across the generations at events such as the London Carol Service and the Edinburgh drinks. It is wonderful to see OFs gathering, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones." Richard Llewellyn(Mo 1987-1992) President of the OFA

Fettes Community Portal

Reconnect with old classmates, forge valuable professional connections, and dive into exclusive content available only to registered members. Explore our school's rich history with full access to the Fettes archives, and be part of our vibrant community. Sign up now and rediscover the Fettes spirit!



The Old Fettesian Coordinator, Cameron Todd, works within the Development Team at Fettes.

Old Fettesians are welcome to get in touch to update their details, arrange a visit to the school and find out more about upcoming events.

Get in touch 

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