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Matty Jackman - Advice from Eight Years After Fettes

Old Fettesian Matty Jackman (Ki 2009-2014) gave a truly inspirational talk to the whole of the Sixth Form on Monday evening.  Matty provided relevant reflections having left Fettes himself only 8 years ago. 

The talk was well placed at the start of the academic year as members of the Sixth Form start to take serious considerations about their own steps beyond Fettes.  In Upper Sixth Matty was awarded the highly prestigious Morehead-Cain Scholarship taking him on a fully funded and enriched Liberal Arts degree programme of study to the University of North Carolina. 

Matty drew on his experiences at Fettes making the most of every opportunity, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to focus on by Sixth Form and used the IB and many extra curricular activities and interests to help him to develop himself and his thoughts.  Keeping variety was his key message; always learn about yourself another; an open mindset a third. 

Alongside academics, participating in many facets of life helped Matty to learn about himself.  Debating facilitated not only public speaking but also learning from mistakes; CCF supported leadership, teamwork and endurance; music and drama provided creativity, fun and entertainment; hockey was not only skill and physical fitness for Matty it was also the development of coaching skills. 

In the short space of 8 years Matty continues to fill his life with variety building now on leadership, endurance and an interest in politics and diplomacy.  Matty is in the Civil Service at the Home Office and a reservist as Lieutenant in the 4th Battalion of The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, about to deploy to Oman as an Infantry Platoon Commander. 

Our Careers Prefects provided their own thoughts on the evening:

Personally, I found the talk quite inspiring as it showcased the potential of a Fettesian student and what the opportunities offered could give you later on in life. With the speaker being part of the army it gave me a sense of pride to be a Fettesian and really showed me the scope of what Fettes has to offer. Additionally, the speaker going to an American university really showed me that Fettes truly can open you up to access the world. This really inspired me to choose more options in my time here at Fettes.

Luke M, Careers Prefect

Matty’s talk on what the potential Fettes has to give us now and beyond is inspiring.  He showcased why Fettesians should strive at what they are good at and try out new activities that are on offer to them too.

Louis D M, Careers Prefect

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