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Training Run for Scottish Islands Peak Race
On the morning of Sunday 15th January, 11 Lower Sixth form students ran a 10 mile/16km route starting at Nine Mile Burn and heading around some of the more remote corners of the Pentlands. The terrain underfoot was varied, with a mixture of ice, snow, and some incredibly waterlogged/muddy paths, but conditions were helped with the sun shining, blue skies overhead and not too much wind. Miss McDonnell, Head of Classics and a keen runner says: “My colleagues and I who also participated in the training run were very impressed with this group of student runners- they were great company and ran at a good, steady pace, remaining enthusiastic throughout. The high level of enthusiasm was perhaps also at the prospect of bacon rolls and hot chocolate afterwards, which were enjoyed by all!”
A great morning’s run and good preparation towards the Scottish Islands Peak Race in May. Well done to all who took part!