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Senior School Burns Supper

On Saturday night we celebrated the National Bard with our annual Burns Supper in the Dining Hall.

Pipe Major Nyasha W piped in the haggis, which was addressed with great vigour by Upper Sixth student Monty M.  

After the food had been served, we had a splendid musical interlude with fiddle players Bethany W (Upper Sixth) and Ryan W (Lower Sixth), accompanied by Mr Tully on piano.

The Chairman, Head of Politics, Mr McDowell, gave the Immortal Memory, ably assisted by student Toby L (Fifth Form) who delivered excerpts from Burns’ poetry with flamboyance. 

This was followed by an excellent set from the pipers: PM Nyasha W (Upper Sixth), PS Luca A (Upper Sixth), Harry C (Lower Sixth), and Iona G (Upper Sixth).

Miss Cockburn and Miss Palmer proposed the toast with many witty observations about Fettesian life. 

The evening concluded with the Chairman’s thanks to all those who made the evening possible, and ‘Auld Lang Syne’ accompanied by PS Luca A on pipes. 

A lot of hard work is put in by a lot of people to make this happen, and the most obvious thanks have to go to Miss Stevens, Mr Hutchinson, Mr Green, Mr Weatherby, Mr Matysiak, and the Catering Staff who every year look after us so wonderfully at this event.

Full photos are available to view on Flickr.

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