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New Deputy Head (Academic) for 2024-25
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Anushka Chakravarty to the Senior Leadership Team at Fettes College, as the new Deputy Head (Academic), taking over the role (in September 2024) from Jonathan Marchant.
Commenting on her appointment, Anushka said: “I am absolutely delighted to be joining Fettes College at such an exciting stage of its development. As someone who believes in the potential of all young people to achieve, I am thrilled to be part of a community that is known for its educational excellence and the ambition of its curriculum. I am particularly drawn to the school’s desire to educate students in a way that promotes critical thinking, diversity of thought and flexibility of mind so that all students can leave a positive mark on a rapidly changing world. I look forward to starting in September and driving this vision for the school forward while nurturing innovation and creativity in all.”
Anushka Chakravarty has a proven track record of outstanding leadership within a school context, especially in academic matters. Anushka’s rich experience includes Assistant Head (Academic) at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE), the highest-ranked state A Level provider offering a full curriculum in the UK, gaining promotion to this role from Lead Teacher of History and Politics at LAE, when she was also Head of House.
Prior to teaching, Anushka was a barrister for four years in London. In 2022 she relocated to Scotland and is currently teaching History and Modern Studies at George Heriot’s. Her current geographical proximity to Fettes is a bonus and will allow us to get to know Anushka, and for her to get to know us, over the months ahead which will aid the transition into her new and integral role within our community.
“This appointment is a very important role for the School, and I am confident that Anushka will fit very well into our community. I look forward to working closely with Anushka as we continue to bring my vision for Fettes to life - delivering the highest possible quality of education, engaging students in rigorous and relevant opportunities in a dynamic curriculum which creates lifelong learners.” Helen Harrison, Head of Fettes College.
Anushka Chakravarty takes up her appointment at the beginning of September 2024.