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Jesters Fives Tournament

This weekend once again saw our 37th annual joust with the Jesters with over 65 Jesters descending on Edinburgh for the serious business of Fives. Fettesians notched up over 40 games over the weekend with some impressive displays of singles and doubles Fives at its best! 

Particular highlights include the Select VI & VIII tournaments on Friday; 6 Schoolboys and 8 Schoolgirls are each matched with a nationally ranked Jester to determine through a round robin tournament the ‘Best’ schoolboy/girl.  In the boys, Monty D (Ca) paired up with Toby Chan (Mo 2018-22) pulled off an impressive win made all the sweeter for the fact that Toby also won it as a schoolboy in 2023!

On Saturday, attention turned to the Seniors but the Jesters, who do not like to be beaten, brought out the really big guns!  A great spectacle of long and intensive rallies but in the end the Jesters’ experience showed and Fettes came a creditable second!

Not so with the Colts, however, who pulled off a sneaky 55-47 win following some exceptional play by Lochie F, Louis M, Freddie A and Beau W.

Sunday and an early start for the Junior Colts with some real energy, pace and improvement from all 4.  Impossible to pick any one out so particular mention goes to Alexander U, Donald  M-R, Hugo M and Donald C for their spirit at that time on a Sunday!

Next the U15s and a hugely impressive showing from all of them but special mention must go to Felix Usher and Archie Brook who between them took the tightest of games off the Jesters.  Meanwhile Jonty C-M and Olly C-M were equally on their game and made every rally count, pushing the Jesters pairs hard but in the end coming a close second.

Normal Jesters play was then interrupted by the now traditional Battle of the Siblings/Families with a round robin tournament of 6 pairings, including: 

  • Jester Wyman Chan (Mo 2017-21) and Toby Chan (Mo 2018-22); 
  • Jester Archie McCreath (Ki 2012-17) and Louis McC (Mo); 
  • Jester Simon Fraser and Archie F (Gl);  
  • Arthur H (Gl) and Gus H (Gl); and
  • Jester James Milburn (Gl 2019-23) and Andrew Milburn

An astonishing round of matches followed with no quarter given and virtually every shot countered ending in a tight and impressive overall win for the Chan brothers with nothing to choose between the Jourdain, Fraser and McCreath pairs.  The winners can be seen proudly holding the Chai Family Teapot Trophy…Roll on next year!! 

All in all a fabulous weekend of Fives, my grateful thanks to the boys and girls who played and a great start to a busy term of tournaments and fixtures ahead!

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