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Our Vision & Mission

Fettes will be the school of choice for students, parents and staff.

Our students will leave the school knowing themselves, looking out for others, capable of thinking critically and ready to make a positive mark on their rapidly changing world.

Our students will be bold and visionary, yet compassionate; they will possess a global perspective and be ready to embrace the opportunities of the future.

Find out about the four themes (Learning, Wellbeing, Our People, Our Community) which inform our Vision.

2025 Vision Update

"My vision for Fettes is one which focuses on what we believe Fettesians should aspire to be, the skills they will need in life and the impact we want them to make in the world. I called this vision Fettes Moving Forward: A place to live. A place to learn. A place to grow."

Helen HarrisonHead of Fettes College

Four Themes

Four themes inform our Vision. Find out about our exciting plans for each one:



Our People

school building

Our Community